Who We Are

Muscle Ropes was founded in 2014 and ever since we have been supplying premium gyms, and trainers with the best battling ropes their money can buy.

We specialize in selling high-end battling ropes - but it's more than that. Muscle Ropes is the battle rope you will find in high-end settings like Fit Body Boot Camp, LA Fitness, Personal Trainers, movie sets, and more. What's the similarity between all of these? They expect the highest quality every time and a lasting product that sets the high-end standard. We make the highest quality battle ropes in the industry and the preferred rope of premium gyms. We know that running a gym isn't cheap or easy, but it's a lot easier when you don't have to replace your products every 6 months. That's why every rope that goes through our doors is made to our highest quality standard to ensure you are happy with your investment. Thanks to our dedication John Brookfield named us the Official Battling Rope of his training programs

After making the best battle ropes the world has ever seen we were restless with ambition and knew we couldn't stop there - so we made climbing ropes, jump ropes, and utility ropes too. On top of the physical product you receive when purchasing a muscle rope, you also have access to our fantastic customer service. So in the rare event (and we mean rare) that your rope fails, our customer service team will be right there to help you out because it's not just a rope, it's an investment, and we want to see you succeed.